Thursday, September 29, 2016

Volatility Update: Core team is growing!

Next year marks the 10-year anniversary of the first public release of Volatility! This would not have been possible without the friendship and support of the amazing Volatility Community.  One of the original goals of Volatility was to create a project that would help bring together technical talent in the forensics and incident response communities. We also wanted to create a unifying framework that would bring together academics, practitioners, government, and law enforcement from around the world. A platform where the latest cutting edge research being presented at the top academic security conferences could be immediately transitioned into the hands of digital investigators.  In celebration of the past 10 years, we have a number of exciting things planned for 2017.  Along those lines, you may have noticed on the mailing list or on github that the Volatility Core development team is continuing to expand.

For those who have been part of the Volatility Community since the beginning, I’m excited to say that Dr. Nick Petroni has rejoined the team. Nick’s pioneering academic research laid the groundwork for much of the modern work in memory analysis.  He was also one of the original developers of Volatility and his design decisions continue to provide the foundation upon which most modern tools are based.  Similarly, I’m also excited to introduce Anthony Colatrella.  Anthony is one of the best computer scientists I’ve had the pleasure to work with.  During his career, he has focused his time on operating system and security development, including contributions to SELinux.  Both Nick and Anthony are working on a number of impressive projects and I’m sure you will see more of them in the coming months.